DAM Emergency Humanitarian Programme

  • Duration:


  • Name of partners in the Action:

DAM consortium which consists of three national NGOs (Kabkabiya Development and Reconstruction Organization (KADRO), the Sudanese Environment Conservation Society (SECS) and Almassar Charity Organization for Nomads Development and Environmental Conservation (MONEC)), one international NGO (ACORD Sudan) and two national networks (the Sudanese Civil Society Network for the Alleviation of Poverty (SCSNAP) and the Human Rights and Legal Aid Network (HRLAN)).

  • Targeted Area:

Darfur Region.

  • The area in which the activities took place:

North Darfur State.

  • Targeted groups:

Vulnerable groups in the state of North Darfur.

  • Programme Summary:

The conflicts in Greater Darfur can be described at one level as an ethno-political war, differing from conventional conflicts as it is engaging combatants in organized warfare with limited “collateral damage”.  These holistic wars between distinct identity groups as defined in ethnic, racial, religious or cultural terms aspiring for political power destroy the social fabric of the society, institutions, communities and families.  Civilian casualties are common place, human rights are violated on a massive scale and all types of atrocities, including torture, rape and murder are committed.


In the aftermath of such terrible inhumanities, physical, social and psychological problems are both widespread and deep seated.  Populations are uprooted; communities devastated and individuals are left in a state of post traumatic stress on a large scale.  The legacies of these conflicts include mistrust and hatred between identity groups and a strong sense of mutual victimization that can feed future cycles of violence that transcends the generations.  The needs for all kinds of basic humanitarian services are very high at that time when the physical and social infrastructure for providing them has been destroyed or severely debilitated.


The DAM programme aims at improving humanitarian services, living conditions and human dignity of the vulnerable groups in the state of North Darfur and enhancing their capacities to cope with shocks and stresses.



  • Overall Goal and Purpose:

The overall goal of the DAM is the provision an immediate response to the urgent gaps in the humanitarian needs within the state of North Darfur.


  • Specific Objectives:

– Availing education to the IDPs’ children in the Locality of Kabkabiya.

                        – Provision of potable water and sanitation.

                        – Provision of basic health care services.

                        – Provision of emergency support to rural livelihoods.

                        – Peace building and conflict resolution.

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