Strengthening Local Communities’ Resilience to Climate Change in North Darfur State, Sudan

Field mission report pasture seeds broadcasting August- sept. 2019
- Introduction:
Strengthening the local communities’ resilience to climate changein North Darfur state is three years project implementing by Coopicooperazioneinternazionale in partnership with Sudanese Environmental conservation society (SECS). COOPi is a humanitarian non- confessional and independent Organization and SECS is a national non- governmental Organization registered in Sudan.
The field mission covered three clusters in Umkadada, Melliet,Malha and Umbaru Localities for Pasture seeds broadcasting forrangelandrehabilitation from August 25th to 07 September 2019. According to community livelihood systems Malha and Umbaru are classified as semi pastoralists while Umkadada and mellite classified as, agro- pastoralists. In this season the four localities particularly Umkadada received high quantity of rainfall with good distribution which result in growing of very good and dense different pasture plants species. A lot of new generation of some tree species particularly Acaciatortelis, Acacia nubica, Acacia melifera… etc also observed.
Objectives of the missions:
- Broadcasting of 11 tons of different pasture seeds species in 12 clusters
Four teams were sent to Umkadada, Mellit, mallhaand Umbarulocalities from August 25 –September 27. 2019, in order implementthe pasture seeds broadcasting in three cluster each locality.
Teams composition:
Locality |
Visited areas |
Team composition (technical staff) |
Malha |
· Marsus · Helief · Elhara |
–Mohamad Osman Abaker – MUSTafaSenien – Tegani Edris Ali (Pasture officer)
Um Kedada |
· Umsidra · Alarais · Alabyad |
–Ibrahim Ali Elnour, – AblegasiumGuma Mohamad – SalhEsmail Adam – Umkadada Pasture officer
Melliet |
· Armal · Bina · Sendy |
– ShrafeldeinMohd, Abdulrasul – Kawthar Mohamad Ibrahim |
Quantity of seeds received:
Only 11,000 mt3 out of 20 mt3 tons of different pasture seeds species was received from the supplier as shown in the table below:
Species |
Local name |
Proposed Qu. Mt3 |
Received mt3 |
Remaining mt3 |
Blepharislinarifolia |
Bagail |
10 |
01 |
09 |
Dactylocteniumeagyptim |
Abasabi |
04 |
04 |
0 |
Cyamobsistetragonoloba |
Guar |
06 |
06 |
0 |
Total |
20 mt |
11 mt |
09 mt |
- Mt3: Metric Ton
- The quantity received represent 55% of the required quantity.
Quantity of Pasture seeds broadcasted/ Locality
Locality |
Clusters |
Q. of seed broadcasted mt3 |
Area covered (Faddan) |
Umkadada |
· Umsidra · Alarais · Alabyad |
1.17 1.17 1.1.6 |
145.84 145.84 145.82 |
Total |
3.5 MT |
437.5 |
Malha |
· Marsus · Heliefe · Elhara |
0.83 0.83 0.84 |
116.66 116.66 116.68 |
Total |
2.5 mt |
350 |
· Enni · Turba · Gurbura |
0.84 0.83 0.83 |
116.68 11.66 116.66 |
Total |
2.5 mt |
350 |
Melliet |
· Armal · Sendi · Bina |
0.83 0.84 0.83 |
116.66 116.68 116.66 |
Total |
2.5 mt |
350 |
Grand total |
11 mt |
1,487.5 Faddan |