Action for Regional Climate Help” in partnership with CRISP with funds coming from the German Government


The Sudanese Environment Conservation Society is implementing is implementing a project titled: “Action for Regional Climate Help” in partnership with CRISP with funds coming from the German Government. The project aims at enhancing the capacities of youth-led organizations working in the field of Climate Change in Sudan. The project was launched in Junev2022 and is expected to end in July 2025.
Despite the challenges that Sudan is going through and the numerous prevailing challenges, SECS has exerted a lot of efforts to overcome these challenges and managed to restart the project activities as it is of vital strategic importance to increase the capacities of the youth to develop programmes to increase the resilience of the local communities in the face of climate change. A Sister organization in Egypt, Youth Love Egypt (YLE) is also implementing similar activities within the same project. Dr. Ismail Elgizouli is in charge of the overall supervision of the project and provides valuable technical backstopping services and advices.
On Wednesday, the 25th of October, 2023, the third training workshop was launced for track two participants (policy and advocacy). The title of the workshop is “National Policy Paper Writing” which aims to provide participants with the knowledge and tools needed to develop policy papers and enhance their communication and advocacy skills. The opening sessio was addressed by Mr. Ali M. Ali, SECS President and Dr. Sumaia Elsayed, the Scientific Resource Person of the workshop. 15 participants from both sexes, representing their organizations are taking part in this virtually held workshop. The trainers of this workshop are experts in the fields of climate change, policy and advocacy, and they are Dr. Areej Jaafar, Dr. Sumaya Al-Sayed and Mr. Suleiman Ibrahim, in addition to experts from the CRISP organization.

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