The meeting of the Sudanese Environment Conservation Society (SECS) with Sudan’s Sovereign Transitional Council member, Mr. Malik Agar

The meeting of the Sudanese Environment Conservation Society (SECS) with Sudan’s Sovereign Transitional Council member, Mr. Malik Agar, on Tuesday, the twenty-seventh of July.
The meeting included a discussion about Dinder National Park and its importance at the local, national, and international levels. The concept of biosphere reserves, the role of the local communities, and the previous projects in the Reserve were also mentioned, such as: DinderNational Park Project (HCENR, UNDP and the WCGA, funded by the GEF) and the Community Watershed Management Project (NBI) and the benefits gained by the local communities in the 3 states from these projects.
The meeting also took notice of the new project that targets 3 biosphere reserves in the Sudan including the DNP (HCENR, UNDP and the WCGA, funded by the GEF) and will continue up to 2025.
Mr. Malik Agar, affirmed his firm stance towards maintaining the current borders of the DinderNational Park, taking into account the rights and needs of the communities. He also indicated that he had met earlier with the Minister of Interior and the WCGA and directed them to convene a workshop in which all the stakeholders would be represented to reach an agreement on conserving the DNP and its borders, and ensuring that the DNP will continue to provide its ecological services and the surrounding communities continue to benefit from its resources within the limits of the law.

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