Improving resilient small holders’ producers livelihood in eastern Sudan
- Duration:
From 1st April to 31st September 2015
- Name of partners in the Action:
Oxfam Novib International Organization.
- Targeted Area:
El Gedarif State
- The area in which the activities took place:
El-fashaga and central Gedarif localities.
- Targeted groups:
Small farmers and pastoralist in El-fashaga and central Gedarif localities.
- Project Summary:
This project aims that organized small producers (farmers and pastoralist as men and women) are having access to livelihood assets and enjoying climate resilient livelihood and food security conditions. The project was planned to target 3,000 HHs of small farmers and pastoralist in Elfashaga and central Gedarif localities.
These localities have been chosen to represent poor and most needy communities living within non-resilient livelihood and insecure food conditions different in the state because natural resources and environmental situation have been affected by conflicts and natural disasters over the last years. The pastoralists and the small farmers in Gedarif state look upon themselves as marginalized communities whose livelihoods are threatened by the large investors. The project was implemented during 9 months targeting specific groups that include farmers and pastoralists.